
Hubspot <> Infer for Property Sales Leaders

01-05-2024|Liam Wilson|2 minute read

Property Sales Leaders: Close More Deals, Optimise Resources, and Ditch the Guesswork with Infer's Hubspot Integration

In the dynamic world of property sales, maximising occupancy and revenue across your portfolio, whether it's office space, meeting rooms, or any other commercial property, is crucial for success. But traditional methods often leave you with uncertainty and missed opportunities, relying on intuition and market whispers to navigate vacancy rates, room booking utilisation, and ever-changing tenant needs.

Infer's cutting-edge AI, now seamlessly integrated with Hubspot, provides a game-changing solution. Here's how it empowers property sales leaders:

  1. Prioritise Like a Pro: Optimise Occupancy, Room Bookings, and Lead Scoring

Infer goes beyond basic lead scoring. It analyses vast amounts of data to identify the leads with the highest potential for conversion, helping you target the right prospects for new leases. Additionally, Infer helps you prioritise existing tenants most likely to renew or upsize, maximising customer retention and upselling opportunities.

Furthermore, Infer analyses room booking utilisation, allowing you to optimise pricing and availability for meeting rooms and other shared spaces.

  1. Ditch the Guesswork: Accurate Forecasting and Cost Management

No more scrambling to understand why you are over or under on your sales forecast. Infer's AI-powered forecasting provides precise predictions based on historical data, trends, and patterns, removing the guesswork from your resource allocation, pricing strategies, and overall inventory management.

Infer also analyses utility costs, helping you identify areas for potential savings and optimise your operational efficiency.

  1. Understand the "Why": Explainable Insights for Clear Action

Infer doesn't just tell you what's happening; it explains why. Our AI provides insights into the key factors driving fluctuations in your key metrics, such as vacancy rates, tenant behaviour, and market trends.

This actionable intelligence empowers you to make data-driven adjustments and optimise your sales strategy for maximum impact.

The Infer Advantage: Seamless Integration

Unlike other sales intelligence tools, Infer lives within your existing Hubspot platform. This means no more jumping between different systems and wasting valuable time. Everything you need is readily available within your familiar workflow.

Ready to take your sales and revenue to the next level?

Infer's direct Hubspot integration provides the tools you need to prioritise effectively, forecast accurately, and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and optimise your entire property portfolio.

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